Monday, November 05, 2012

Oaths and Promises

I had to take an oath this morning, in a Law Court, had a choice of taking the oath on the Bible or not and asking for God's help in it. For a public place, I thought that was pretty cool, especially as the area is known for other religions, and it was almost assumed that I was a Christian and would want to take the oath in that way.

There's promises and promises, and I am realising that there are a couple I may have made inadvertently, and for some, I have had to repent of them, and yes, because I didn't realise quite what I was doing, but there's one that stands out really strongly that I not only need to repent of, but need to do once more what I promised not to do ever again...and I will feel pretty foolish doing it, but who knows what the big picture will be, in the short and long term. But since God is God, and I am me, then it's all good:)

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