Monday, November 26, 2012

God's plans for us

I have the following image as my screensaver on my phone at the moment (Gotta love technology!). I love this passage, and dislike its overuse- knowing that in so many situations, this is the verse of choice- especially Jeremiah 29:11. Jeremiah 29:12-13 though, has always been amazing and challenging. Lesser known, I have always loved/been challenged by the concept of seeking God, anything/anyone with all my heart- and He will be found when we will seek him. And within that comes the intimacy, relationship, depth that comes from laying it all out there.

And yet, it follows that passage that God has a plan (not a vague idea, concept or notion) for Me (and this is the kicker. It's for me, as well as you, as well as people who don't know him, as well as everyone)- and not just for everyone else, as I so often expect or assume. Looking on the face of things, it can seem so clear that it's for everyone else first and I need to make way for their plans before mine, and yet that's not the case. God has a plan for you. For me. For wholeness, for a future and a hope.

And that leads into a whole lot of thinking about wholeness and fragmentation, but am going to save that for another time:)

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