Monday, November 19, 2012

Fun conversations in a day

There's some fun conversations that happen at work, covering faith, culture and norms and expecations in life. In an demographic where many of the people I work with are young women, who are newly married, are pregnant or with young my marital status will often come up in conversation:)

A lovely muslim lady popped in to visit during her break today to say hi. She's someone I have been enjoying getting to know. We got to talking about children- and she's one of a couple there I know who have been starting to go to specialists to move the process along and amazingly they have been sharing with me. She was telling me a little about that then started asking me about if I had kids?...planning to?.. married?... engaged?...boyfriend?... the whole works:) And was quite shocked that I was as I am.

As she left though (having shared a saying about men where she comes from) she said she would be praying for me, so it was lovely to say back, mean it that I would be praying for her too. Really looking forward to meeting her baby- or at least know she's pregnant before she finishes studying!

I had an amazing weekend. Clearing out is good, God is amazing. There's alot to process, trust, entrust and take on board.

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