Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fun with the cream

Soooo.. after a fairly extreme weekend, full of really goods and really bads, and really, really not looking forward to this week, out all but one night in the next 7 days, an interesting work week, blah.

Anyway, I went back to the first blog in this 'series', and realised the last comment was rather a good one!:) The challenge was to have fun with the cream, dense fillings, taking time to recognize, stop, pause for a while and savour the sweet taste.

Anyway, it's been nice to look back, and yes, it's so there, in the conversations, prayers, Church, people, things I'm reading, worship I am listening to.

I was at an event last night with some people from church, and ran into the person who had come and given me a word  a couple of weeks ago. It had been overwhelming in it's lavishness, to the point where I don't really know what to do with it. He ended up telling me some of his story, and how he came to have such a gift- and what an amazing gift it is- receiving words for people (more often at work than elsewhere), and once delivered, he forgets them and can't remember them. Pretty special. Was lovely to get to know him better, but hear how God works through him.

So, expecting this to be a fresh start, of seeing God continue what he has started, and bring them to fullness in Him, and yes, will go into this week expecting it to be an awesome one, and look forward to all that's ahead for this coming year!

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